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Group Session Schedule: Text



A raw group session coming together to embrace...
- Your authentic magic
- Natural beauty exactly as you are
- The magnificent diversity of the female form
- Deeply supporting one another

Group Session Schedule: Text



A group session starting after dusk,
set in the river.
With flowing sheer fabric,
glowing soft lights,
capturing the rebirth and
cultivation of the newest version of yourself.

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Group Session Schedule: Text
Group Session Schedule: Text



Are you ready to invoke the goddess within?

I know how easy it can be to get disconnected from yourself.

To feel the pressure of the world telling you, that you have to be someone other than your true self.

Join us and reclaim your power.


This day of pure magic is structured to help you experience your unique beauty, leaving you present in your body, empowered, and aligned with your authentic self.

It’s time to open the door to a new positive relationship with your body image, to love and care for yourself,

exactly as you are.


Are you ready to let go of…

- unrealistic beauty standards

- feeling unworthy

- fear of being seen

- feeling lack of confidence

And are you ready to…

- Experience your body as powerful, worthy, and alive.

- Deeply connect with nature and our magical community of women.

- Express your joy, sensuality, and power.

- To come play, celebrate, connect, and create.

- Appreciate your beauty and the goddess within you.

- Create more space for yourself. More space to be, to breath, to love, to grow, and to unfold.

- To create timeless memories.

Group Session Schedule: Testimonials

We were vulnerable, open, and free. It took guts to get naked in front of other women, most of which we did not know...

But it changed my life and the way I see myself.

We took time to encourage and compliment each other. In a world where we make it into such a competition to be one step ahead/above the other, its refreshing to feel such camaraderie.


I wasn't at my "goal weight" or "feelin skinny" by any means that day...

But I realized I could feel beautiful anytime If I just gave myself permission.

Chloe T.

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